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Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
It definitely is a remix of No Limit, by 2Unlimited.
And it definitely isn't Trance.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Great first experience for me. Managed to finish both races and the only driver I took out of the track was my teammate, so all is well.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Using Vegas (?) effects is okay once or twice in the movie to give it a more YUSSUFpro look. However, you overdid the silly effects and, bar the clichéd picture-in-picture panel at 2 minutes (which, completely by accident I suppose, actually fits with the music), none of makes much sense. I'm afraid your video isn't YUSSUFpro yet.

To get a really YUSSUFpro video, always use as much graphical detail as your computer allows you to. You are not racing online, just capturing a replay so, most of times, you'll be able to have higher detail when 'filming'. Access those options through the ESC -> Options -> Graphics menu, and try to set at least the Antialiasing options to max. Make sure you have also selected to use full high-resolution textures and shadings.

Another YUSSUFpro tip is to make all the on-screen information (HUD, Flags Info, Driver Names et cetera) invisible. In order to accomplish that, before you start to shoot your movie, press Shift+F once, to disable everything but the replay line at the bottom. Press it again to make it invisible as well.

Ah, yes. If you really want to be a YUSSUFpro movie maker, you have to use customized camera views. You can position your new camera wherever you want simply by pressing Shift+U to access the layout/custom camera view and fiddling with its settings. Always use several angles/heights. Do not be restricted to only one camera position. You'll have to record dozens of takes separely this way, but it's the only way to success and YUSSUFproness.

For more detail on how you make a movie using LFS, visit

Best wishes, and I sincerely hope you've fixed your erotic problems by now.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I'm not sure how well/badly British people drive, but I'm pretty sure having extra classes/lessons isn't the way forward.

We have the best roads in the country in here and, yet, it's difficult to not see at least one or two cars completely destroyed on my way to University (30 km).

And that's with compulsory 30 classroom hours with an exam + 18 hrs of driving lessons with a 20 minutes pain in the ass final exam (for each vehicle you choose to drive - i.e 36 hours/2 exams if taking licenses for both car and bike) + phisical and mental exams, roughly a 300 dollars investment! And that's to get on a 1-year probation period!
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Just to set things straight, although this is not a big deal:

Y.Laszlo (currently set to 'independant") and S.Moore -> Epic Racing
E. Southerton (currently set to "Epic Racing") and L. Davidson -> Epic Racing UK
S. Sheasby and J. Mace -> Epic Racing GB

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
404 here.

So you have a link to it's youtube page?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Not a fan of the RB4. Not for being slower than the other models, but for looking like a freaky dinossaur/fish crossover
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Kraftwerk - Computer Love?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
What happened to my Epic Sheep '10 name suggestion?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed ... SMKPY/ref=cm_cr_pr_sims_t ... /B002HJ9PTO/ref=pd_cp_e_3

For recording audio for a monaural internet stream, those options are very good.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Jens O. :but it never was that obvious, imo. ti sento is almost a 1:1 copy .. and well, have a look at this ... they took elements from four different songs (I think the guy who made the video forgot to mention Tat & Zat - Proud to be Loud) and are now probably earning more money than each of the four artists ever did .. but oh well, can't blame them - it's the guys who buy it

on topic: Deichkind - Luftbahn

EDIT: oh, and I have to quote technoboy's letter concerning ti sento

It's always obvious when it comes to Scooter's songs. Heck, I don't even know how he keeps doing it without any lawsuits against him.

Still, the electronic music scene is based on ripping stuff off other people and, from that perspective, Scooter does a reasonably good job. While most people in the business like to pretend that it's all about the music, he's not ashamed to state through his work that he's in for the money and doesn't see any problems in sampling other people's work in order to make his own songs. I'm not a fan of hardcore, but many of his songs (as well as other, probably sampled as well, artists' music) reach the maximum level of joy possible for me to get from listening to them. His ripping off of Where The Streets Have No End is truly dreadful, I'll give you that.

Although ripping stuff from another hardcore producer might indeed be crossing the line....
Last edited by Yuri Laszlo, .
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from pacesetter :Tears for fears [The artist from the 80s ]- Everyone wants to rule the world ?

Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from Jon606 :Zombies Rule The World???

That's what the people look like anyway.

I am aware of the degree of detail and talent imput in my drawing, thanks.

It's a hit from the 80's, by a British duo.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
The only thing I'd really appreciate if they were added in LFS is mirrors (side ones as well) in all views. As much as some people hate follow, I like to use it for the smaller/slower cars and wouldn't mind having a some sort of rear view.

And pitbabes.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :Rule the World - Take That? [not sure what the people are for :P]

Different song with a similar name.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Pat Benatar - Love is a Battlefield
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Recently seen the X-Men trilogy, still one of the best marvel movies for me (although I'm pretty biased here, ranking the X-men far above Spider-man, iron man et al).

Also two very good movies from the '80s:

1984 (based on George Orwell's book)
Chariots of Fire. Soundtrack extraordinaire.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Thank you both, as said link was found in one of last years competition's threads. :d
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Could be a stroke effect like LineR32 says, or possibly feathered edges + bad antialising settings on the Viewer.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Depeche Mode - I Feel You (from Songs of Faith and Devotion Live)
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
I'm slow and need things to be said to me several times in order to understand them. So:

A) Is ABS allowed even for FXO?

B) I'm pretty sure I've seen a link to last years competition stats in the event database somewhere, but somehow forgot where it was and cannot find it anymore. Where is it?
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Quote from scotty2888 :They never said Ostergard would loose his points Yuri. Just that he will be temporerily suspended for 2 months. Therefor there is nothing to recalculate.

I'm aware of that, I was just covering all bases.
Yuri Laszlo
S2 licensed
Personally, I think that the rules which could need some re-writting is the one that concerns penalties.

It's just semantics, but at the end of the day, having a driver "excluded" from the championship, instead of "suspended", makes a huge difference as we see here.

Excluding a driver usually means - in practical terms - erasing him from the series. Having said driver on the championship tables effectivelly cancels the exclusion, as the driver is still there! Furthermore, it's a little strange to determine that an excluded driver is back after two months as it should be up to the driver himself to choose whether he wants to rejoin the series or not.

Suspending a driver, on the other hand, means the driver is still participating on the series but simply isn't allowed to take part in sanctioned events for sometime - which, in the way I see it, is what happened to Mr. Ostgaard.

In this particular case, both sides are correct, imho. If, as GreyBull [CHA] says, Ostgaard was "suspended", he's still in the top-15 of the champion ship and, not being able to attend the race, his case should be dealt with just like any other qualified driver that fails to join the race in time.

If, as need says, he was indeed excluded from the series (albeit only for two months, as odd as that sounds), there is no T. Ostgaard racing anymore and the top15 includes Mr. Marques (regardless of whether the drivers that finished behind him have had their points recalculated or not).

Just my two cents.